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Meet the Founder

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Hey, my name is Elsie, I am a florist, folk herbalist and qualified mental health practitioner, farming flowers in Bristol, UK. 


I grow flowers as a way to bring joy and hope into peoples homes and lives, and know that these little acts of nature connection can have a profound effect on peoples emotions. 



Divina Botanica is a floristry and floral self care brand that supports you to connect to your highest good and greatest joy. 


We make flower essences, hand blended herbal teas, and floral botanica to demonstrate it is possible to feel nourished, whole and inspired through nature.  


If you’d like to hear more about my story, read the Bristol247 article about Divina Botanica below. 

Guiding Principles 


My deep love and care for people and planet is at the heart of everything I do. This is why I source only the finest organic ingredients to craft the flower medicine, and I farm using regenerative earth practices. 


Nature gives me hope, and that is something that I want to

share with everyone through my work

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